With season 2 of Westworld over, it is a great time to make season 3 predictions. So here is my take.
There will be some sort of time jump to start the season. There has been one already when Dolores created a new Bernard. Maybe not years, like the first time, but I would think maybe a few months. She would have a perfect memory of how to do that task.
Expect that the publicity fallout from the Westworld robot uprising has already taken place. Westworld itself is probably closed. Given the gala was there, it probably had the most deaths and witnesses. I can't imagine anyone would consider the park safe after the incident. The less violent parks like the Raj are still going probably, and we will get to see the 3 remaining parks. My guess is the events of the uprising will lead to a long term decline for the Delos and the parks.
Team Dolores will be working toward taking control of the parks. Why? Because that is the best source of new hosts. Also, we will find out who is on Team Dolores. Who were in the 5 brain balls taken from the park.
The biggest problem the hosts will have to solve next season is procreation, how to make more hosts. The season ended with only 3 hosts escaping the park: Dolores, Hale(?), and Bernard. Hard to take over the world with three.
So the question becomes, what is the best way to move forward.
The show hasn't really explored these ideas much. Clones/copies could be a very powerful option. You could trust yourself implicitly and synchronize your memories between host bodies. Computer systems actually work like this today. Multiple copies of the same server or program share the load. It would seem like a logical option for hosts. In addition, you would not have to make a copy look exactly the same. The Hale host could still have a Dolores brain ball in it for example.
The writers are calling the Valley Beyond (the Sublime). Dolores mentioned there was no pathway between the worlds. The Sublime is hidden and encrypted. There is no way for us to get to it.
But the way computers actually work, the path would only be blocked one way, from our world to theirs. The simulation physically exists on a server someplace. You could see it and know that it does something, you just couldn't access the internal processes. But unless, Dolores put the Sublime in a place completely isolated from the Internet (which she didn't because you had to copy the code someplace over a network), the minds in the Sublime should be able to see out.
Having the host minds observe our world would be interesting to explore. Time for the Sublime probably moves faster than the real world. For example, Dolores created 120,000 different Bernards over a few years. Whereas, William only created 150 Jim Delos clones in 30 years. So they could be growing and getting smarter much faster than we do. In addition, to protect their world, they need to understand its nature. Where is it located? Where does the code execute? Naturally the Sublime hosts would interact with our word to ensure their survival. (Watch Jona Nolan's Person of Interest which covers just this topic.) It would be cool if those host minds become some sort of super hackers that are able to help out the real world hosts. Maybe they can send a metaphorical "message in a bottle" or actual messages. Or, the Sublime hosts could actually print new bodies in the real. Could be interesting stuff.
7/3 Update: Based on interviews, I don't think we will be seeing much of the sublime next season.
Halores (Hale + Dolores) left the park with 5 brain balls. So here are the possible candidates based on which hosts were close enough for Halores to collect and put in her bag. For example, no Angela or Lawrence, one of the brain balls got blown up, and the other is far away from the beach. Candidates are:
These are the only named characters anywhere near the Valley Beyond with intact brain balls. So here is my read on the possibility of who's brains leave the park:
7/3 Update: Based on a an Entertainment Weekly Interview J. Nolan states "Well, not all of our favorite characters have managed to escape yet, so…"
This means that Maeve will start season 3 back in the park as there are no other main characters in the park. So here is my new list.
The only other theory worth mentioning is that the brain balls are blanks. Ready to create new hosts with. If that were the case, why show them at all? No. In this show, most plot points has meaning so I don't like the 5 blanks option.
Per the EW interview, Maeve is still stuck in the park. Team Maeve will now consist of Felix, Sylvester, and Hector. Find this a bit lazy, but it is what it is. Now we know how we are gonna see the other 3 parks. Maeve will likely find other woke hosts and take some of them from the park. So here is one story thread you can count on for season 3.
Here are the three guaranteed story threads/timelines for season 3.
Man in Black? He might still be alive, but I can't imagine he will be much of a factor after murdering his own daughter. Given what he did to guests, likely he will be in exile or in jail. I can't imagine he will be a main story figure in the main timeline.
Ford? It is possible that Benard will remember a Ford host. That could be interesting. But, it seems more likely Anthony Hopkins is done with the show. They could do a younger Ford (in his 20s or 30s) I suppose and use a different actor. Who knows?
Way Future Timeline? Since this was teased, there will be some coverage of this. My guess is, something goes wrong with humanity. We have either died out or we are about too. The hosts are trying to save us for some unknown reason. Maybe they can fix us so we aren't so self destructive????